warehouse admin duties

17 Warehouse Admin Duties And Responsibility

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Warehouse Admin Duties – In manufacturing companies and trading companies, there is usually one or several employees assigned as warehouse admins. The main task of a warehouse admin is to keep records of goods entering and leaving the warehouse, besides that it also takes care of the products or goods in the warehouse.

There are no special requirements to become a warehouse admin, at least you have to be thorough and understand basic computer operations such as Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word and applications for managing stock of goods.

Warehouse Admin Duties

  1. Make daily financial reports.
  2. Input data on receipt and release of cement.
  3. Make reports of receipt and disbursement of cement.
  4. Make a daily report (Daily Report) handling and rent.
  5. Make a daily pallet recapitulation report.
  6. Prepare weekly financial reports and send them to head office.
  7. Make monthly handling and rent reports based on daily reports.
  8. Make a monthly pallet recapitulation report.
  9. Make BAP cement at the end of each month according to the type of cement.
  10. Make ATK request letter to head office.
  11. Make employee overtime reports every 21st of each month.
  12. Make a UMT (meal and transport allowance) form.
  13. Store and maintain warehouse archives.
  14. Create and print employee attendance forms.
  15. Required to fill attendance every working day.
  16. Data entry D/O road document for cement receipt and release.
  17. Sending Cement BAP, Daily Report and Pallet Recapitulation every month to head office.

Warehouse Admin Responsibilities

1. Checking and recording (letter) receipt of goods

Every item that enters the warehouse must be recorded so that you know how much stock is in the warehouse. The warehouse admin must also make a letter of receipt of goods as proof that the goods have been received by the company.

2. Checking the stock condition of goods and warehouse equipment

Every item in the warehouse must be inspected for its condition, including maintenance of goods and warehouse equipment so that they are always in good condition (not damaged).

3. Input inventory data into the program accurately and quickly

The amount of stock in the warehouse must always be updated, both incoming and outgoing goods. One of the tasks of the warehouse admin is to input inventory data into the program.

4. Packing goods before sending to consumers

The warehouse admin is also in charge of preparing goods before being sent to consumers such as adjusting sizes according to orders, quality checks, checking goods to packing.

5. Receiving and checking returned goods from consumers

In business, it may be common for goods to be damaged when they arrive at the consumer, usually due to an error during delivery either because it was dropped, crushed under another object or because of the negligence of the courier. Or it could also be due to a defective product during production.

Defective goods will be returned (returned) to the company, the warehouse admin together with the marketing admin are in charge of receiving and recording the returned goods then set them aside to a special place.

6. Carry out stock taking

Stock taking is calculating the physical inventory in a store or warehouse. The purpose of stock taking is to ensure the amount of stock in the system with that in the warehouse. This activity is included in the internal control system (SPI).

7. Update products that will expire

Goods in warehouses or shops must always be checked, especially goods in the form of food or drinks. Considering that these items have an expiration date that cannot be missed but are still on display in the store.

One of the duties of the warehouse admin is to check and record products that will expire.

8. Prepare monthly reports for warehouse stock administration

In addition to reporting performance for one month, the warehouse admin is also tasked with reporting warehouse stock administration to superiors. This report consists of the actual stock count, incoming and outgoing goods, damaged goods, expired goods, etc.

9. Making travel documents

A travel document is a document that must be carried by a driver when delivering goods. Travel documents are made by the warehouse admin with the signature of the leadership. This travel document must be made when sending goods in large quantities.

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