home based jobs recommendation for housewifes

10 Home-Based Jobs Recommendation for Housewives in Singapore

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10 Home-Based Jobs Recommendation for Housewives in Singapore – Activities as a housewife are indeed defeating. But it turns out that many housewives feel bored with monotonous activities. So many of them want to try new things, one of which is a home business. Home business is a suitable profession for housewives. This is because many moms cannot leave their children to go to work. Therefore, one way to earn income while eliminating boredom is to build your own business from home. 

In this article, WorkClass will give you recommendations of 10 home-based jobs for housewives in Singapore that moms can do. By knowing them, you can figure out what is the most suitable job to maximize your free time at home. Moreover, from the jobs below you can also make more money to increase your daily income. Are you curious? Let’s jump straight into the list below.

1. Making YouTube Channel

Becoming a YouTuber is one of the best ways to work for housewives today. Besides, you don’t have to go anywhere, and you can also earn extra money. YouTube is a huge platform, and hundreds of hours of content are viewed by both children and adults every day.

You can upload all kinds of content on YouTube. You can start by sharing various simple home recipes if you love cooking. Do you like decorating your home? Decorating your home can also be one of your content on YouTube.

You can share tips on decorating a room with a minimalist budget. Or, if you are good at finance, you can also share savings tips. Interesting, isn’t it? Creating a YouTube channel is very easy, therefore, this home-based job is recommended for housewives in Singapore.

2. Blogging

Blogging is becoming one of Singapore’s most popular jobs for stay-at-home housewives to earn money. If you’re shy and uncomfortable showing your face and voice on a screen, blogging is the perfect home-based job for you.

Like YouTube, you can share your ideas or content through a blog. While YouTube features sound and visuals, blogging shares content through writing. You can write anything on your blog. You can share parenting tips, finance, health and cooking tips just like on YouTube.

If you are interested in becoming a blogger, you should take the time to learn about Search Engine Optimization (SEO). If you understand SEO, your content ranking in Google search results will continue to increase, and you can get paid through Adsense.

3. Selling Craft Products

If you love making handicrafts, you can develop your skills into a business. Besides working on your hobby, you can also make extra money. Isn’t it interesting? You can even create cute handicrafts with your kids at home. Selling craft products is a suitable home-based job in Singapore for creative housewives.

There are many handicraft products that you can make, ranging from key chains, dolls, and knitted scarves to cute accessories. You can offer your products in online marketplaces or on your social media. If many people like your handicraft products, of course, the income you get will also be a lot. Do you want to try it?

4. Selling healthy home-cooked meals

For housewives, cooking is a routine activity. Almost every day, moms always try to cook for their families. From this routine, it can be a home-based job that makes money. You can make healthy food preparations at home and then sell them.

Nowadays, many people are starting to switch to a healthy lifestyle. With a busy schedule working in the office, many people do not have time to cook. You can easily develop your healthy home-based food business from home by utilizing opportunities and social media. You not only can make dishes for your family, but you can also share them with others. Are you interested in trying this home-based job in Singapore?

5. Become Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is Singapore’s next great home-based job for housewives to make money. Nowadays, more and more people are turning to internet-based services in any activity, including buying and selling. If you are a person who is always up to date with the times and active on social media, this job is perfect for you.

Like the marketing concept in general, you need good communication skills to create convincing words. Thus, customers will be interested in the goods and services you offer. Moreover, digital marketing does not require a higher education degree. To learn more about this field, you can join many online courses, such as Google Digital Unlocked, to learn the basics. Interesting to try, right?

6. Become Tutoring

There is a term that moms are the main teachers of a child. They are the ones who teach children from the basics of life to helping them with their homework. Thus, as a stay-at-home mom, you can review all the subject matter you learned at school.

Then, why not try helping other children with the same schoolwork problems? You can make this one of your business opportunities at home. Plus, now that technology is very developed, you can use services like zoom and google meet to teach children whose homes are far away. That way, you don’t have to leave your home to work. Are you interested in trying this home-based job in Singapore now?

7. Become Graphic Design

Do you love art and design? If yes, you are lucky because your hobby can be a business opportunity now. Being a graphic designer, in addition to channeling your hobby, you can also earn money. There are so many ideas of artwork that you can sell. You can start by looking for references first. You can begin by creating logo designs, writing graffiti, creating characters for illustrations, then selling them through special applications like Etsy. Interesting, right? This home-based job in Singapore is indeed very suitable for housewives.

8. Become Freelance Writer

The next home-based job that housewives can do is become freelance writers. Similar to being a blogger, a freelance writer also writes article content. If a blogger writes content for personal use, a writer writes content for other people or companies. In addition, being a freelance writer also requires discipline.

This is because each piece of writing usually has its own criteria and deadlines. However, various companies currently need freelance writers to help meet their writing targets. You should take advantage of this opportunity because this is one of the best jobs in Singapore for housewives that you can try. 

9. Become Translator

If you know several languages, there is nothing wrong with becoming a translator. Currently, the most in-demand translators are in Chinese and English. This is certainly an advantage for those of us who live in Singapore. Besides being able to work at home and with flexible time, the money a translator makes is also relatively high. Interesting to try, right? This job is indeed very suitable for housewives.

10. Filling Out Survey

Along with the times, filling out surveys can also make money. Currently, many online survey sites provide payment for people who help fill out surveys on their sites. Even in Singapore, some pay high fees. You only need to answer various surveys sent to your email later. The types of surveys also vary with a claim system through reward points that can be exchanged for money. Perfect for housewives, right? Will you try this home-based job?

Those are 10 home-based jobs in Singapore that housewives can do without neglecting all family matters. If the business for housewives shows progress, you can help other housewives to earn income. In addition, you can also start saving and fulfill all needs, including starting to invest. 

Thank you for reading until the end. We hope that this article will be helpful and can inspire you to find suitable home-based jobs in the future. If you are curious about the detailed information about such jobs available in Singapore, you can easily find them on our website.

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