relieving letter meaning

What is Relieving Letter? Meaning & Definition

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A relieving letter is a document that confirms the end of an employee’s service with an organization. It is usually issued by the human resources department or the employer after the employee has completed all the formalities and obligations for their resignation. A relieving letter serves as a proof of the employee’s exit from the company and helps them in their future employment.

A relieving letter typically contains the following information:

  • The date of issue
  • The name and designation of the employee
  • The name and address of the employer
  • The date of joining and the date of relieving
  • A statement of appreciation for the employee’s contribution and performance
  • A statement of clearance of dues and liabilities
  • A statement of no objection or pending issues
  • A wish for the employee’s success and career growth
  • The signature and seal of the authorized person

A relieving letter is an important document that helps the employee to maintain a good relationship with their previous employer and to avoid any legal complications. It also helps the employer to keep a record of the employee’s service and to ensure a smooth transition of work. A relieving letter can also be used as a reference for the employee’s skills and achievements.

A relieving letter is different from an experience letter, which is a more detailed document that describes the employee’s roles, responsibilities, projects, achievements, and feedback during their tenure. An experience letter is usually issued along with a relieving letter or upon request by the employee.

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